Once upon a time there was a small silent town

Once upon a time there was a small town called Sleepyhead, where its inhabitants were known to be quiet, homely people.
One evening, however, something unusual happened: none of the townspeople decided to leave their homes.

It was a night like any other, with a starry sky and a light breeze creeping through the quiet streets.
Usually, the residents had their nighttime routines: some went to the bar to meet friends, others went to the movies or simply strolled in the park.

But that night, everyone seemed to have decided to stay in the warmth of their hearths.
The streets were deserted, and the only noises that could be heard were those of nocturnal animals and flashes of light filtering through the windows of houses.

In his small house in the center of town lived Mimmo, a young music teacher.
Usually, his apartment was enlivened by the notes of his compositions and the laughter of friends who came to visit him.
But that night, Mimmo found himself alone with his guitar, unable to find inspiration to play a note.

So he decided to go out for a walk and look for some new tunes in the quiet of the night.
But as soon as he opened the door, he realized that silence enveloped the entire city.
Mimmo ventured through the dark streets, listening only to the sound of his footsteps on the asphalt.

He passed the bar, usually crowded with people laughing and joking, but this time it was closed and dark.
He crossed the park, where couples usually sat on benches and children played on the merry-go-round, but there was no one in sight.

The night seemed like a huge bubble of stillness, and Mimmo felt increasingly lonely.
However, as he walked, Mimmo’s eyes landed on a sign hanging from a light pole.
Impromptu concert in Silent Square” the message read.

Curious, Mimmo decided to follow the directions and headed for the city’s central square.
When he arrived, he was stunned: there were all the residents of Sleepyhead, gathered in silence around an impromptu stage.
People were sitting on blankets spread out on the grass and on benches, all motionless, listening.

Mimmo joined the silent audience and noticed another sign explaining the event.
A classical music concert had been organized without sound, only the interpretation of the performers’ gestures.
A silent orchestra was performing on stage, moving their strings and batons in perfect harmony.